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Having a flexible and isolated environment doesn’t just save us time, it can also be crucial for testing. Whether you’re deploying a real-world application stack for research, testing exploits, or setting up vulnerable apps for practice, you need a system that’s both adaptable and reliable. Enter Docker.

Docker makes it easier than ever to deploy, scale, and manage applications in various environments. Today we’ll take a look at why Docker is a staple in my day to day tools, demonstrate its utility for pentesting and provide a quick-start guide to setting up labs and testing environments.

What is Docker?

Docker is a platform that uses containerization technology to package an application and its dependencies into a single container. Unlike traditional virtual machines (VMs) that virtualize the entire OS, Docker containers share the same OS kernel and isolate the application processes from each other.

So what are the advantages over traditional VMs?

  1. Lightweight: Containers take up less space than VMs.
  2. Fast: Docker containers can start almost instantly due to less overhead.
  3. Consistent: The application will run the same regardless of where the Docker container is run.
Virtual machine architecture vs docker container

Using Docker for Web App Pentesting

There are many reasons to use Docker, but for Web Application Penetration Testers in particular, it allows us to:

  • Quickly deploy applications or targets for testing and research
  • Quickly deploy specific applications (with specific versions running on specific servers) to test payloads
  • Setup vulnerable labs for study
  • Building PoCs or CTFs

For example, to run DVWA:

docker pull vulnerables/web-dvwa
docker run -d -p 80:80 vulnerables/web-dvwa

In this case, docker pull fetches the Docker image from the Docker Hub, and docker run starts the container. The -p 80:80 maps port 80 of your host to port 80 of the container. Once running, you can access DVWA by visiting http://localhost in your browser.

We can customize this even further so that when we’re testing exploits on specific versions of web applications or a particular tech stack, we can quickly create the environment we need.

  1. Dockerfiles: These are scripts containing instructions to build a Docker image. As pentesters, we can use Dockerfiles to recreate specific application environments, right down to the exact versions and configurations.
  2. Docker Compose: For more complex setups involving multiple containers (like an app server and a separate database), Docker Compose lets us define multi-container applications in a single docker-compose.yml file.

Finally, Docker gives us some isolation and safety so that when we are testing potentially volatile payloads we can do it without impacting production systems or users.

Getting Started with Docker

Installation: Docker is available for Linux, macOS, and Windows. Follow the official Docker documentation for installation instructions specific to your OS. If you are running Kali like most Pentesters, you can install easily with `apt`.

sudo apt install docker.io

Basic commands to get up and running quickly:

# Download a Docker image
docker pull [image-name]

# Run a container from an image
docker run [options] [image-name]

#  List running containers
docker ps

# Stop a running container
docker stop [container-id]


Docker provides web application penetration testers with a flexible, efficient, and safe way to set up testing environments. From running vulnerable labs to customizing intricate application stacks, Docker simplifies the process, allowing testers to focus on what we do best: finding vulnerabilities and ensuring web application security.

About TCM Security

TCM Security is a veteran-owned, cybersecurity services and education company founded in Charlotte, NC. Our services division has the mission of protecting people, sensitive data, and systems. With decades of combined experience, thousands of hours of practice, and core values from our time in service, we use our skill set to secure your environment. The TCM Security Academy is an educational platform dedicated to providing affordable, top-notch cybersecurity training to our individual students and corporate clients including both self-paced and instructor-led online courses as well as custom training solutions. We also provide several vendor-agnostic, practical hands-on certification exams to ensure proven job-ready skills to prospective employers.

Pentest Services: https://tcm-sec.com/our-services/
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